County Records – How to Perform Basic and Advanced Searches


Basic Search.2

More Options/Advanced Search.3

Advanced Search.4

Using Quotes to Search for Exact Name Phrases. 4

Single Character Wildcard Searches.5

Multiple Character Wildcard Searches.6

Proximity Searches.7

Boolean Operator Searches.8

Search Image Text.14

Search Tutorials

Basic Search

Enter a word or phrase in the search field and click on the magnifying glass icon to search for results. 

The word or phrase entered in the search criteria will be searched through all searchable columns including: Grantor, Grantee, Document Type, Recorded Date, Document, Legal Description,

and Book/Volume/Page. 

All words entered in the search field will be used as the search criteria, for example, the search field contains the phrase: Michael Smith and the search will pull results where the phrase:

Michael Smith exists.

Note: By default the basic search is using the AND option of the "Search Criteria Using" field so that all of the words in the search field are part of the search criteria. To search for any words,

select the OR option of the "Search Criteria Using" field and click on the magnifying glass to view results.


Basic Search


More Options/Advanced Search

The More Options link is always open by default. Here you can toggle between Advanced Word and Full Name Search, Image Text Search, and Advanced Image Text Search. Searches can also

be filtered including Document Groups and Party type. Recorded Date Range can also be set to narrow results.



Advanced Search

To use the new predictive Type Ahead feature:

  1. Select Advanced Word and Full Name Search.
  2. Select Search Using Type Ahead checkbox.
  3. Select All, Grantor, or Grantee to search against party names.
  4. Enter in a name in the Name Search Field.

Advanced Search

The Type Ahead feature predicts names you may be searching for.

If you do not see the name you are searching for then scroll down to see more results. See example below. (Note: To use other Advanced features please uncheck the Search Using Type Ahead checkbox.)

Advanced Search

The Advanced Word and Full Name Search option allows for more defined search options in the search text field such as Wild Card and Boolean searches.  When the “Advanced Word and Full

Name Search” option is selected, the “Search Criteria Using AND/OR” field is disabled.  The “Advanced Word and Full Name Search” is based on defined indexed values that have been either

manually or dynamically entered into the system.

Using Quotes to Search for Exact Names

To search for all exact words in a phrase using the Advanced Word and Full Name Search, put quotes around the phrase.  In the example: “Smith Michael C” will display results where the words

Smith Michael C are together in the results. Exact name searches must be entered as they have been indexed. Names are often indexed Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Surname or Last

Name, First Name, Middle Initial, Surname. Company names often contain abbreviations. See the following abbreviation list:

ASN = Association
CO = Company
CORP = Corporation
INC = Incorporated
NA = National Association (only in connection with a Bank or Lending Institute)
LLC = Limited Liability Company
MED = Medical
LP = Limited Partnership

The example below shows all "Smith Michael C" where the filters have been narrowed to search Names that are only Grantor.

Advanced Search


Single Character Wildcard Searches

To find single character variations of a word, perform a single character wildcard search using the "?" symbol.  For example, John? will find variations of the word John with results such as

“Johns” and “Johne”.

Note: You cannot use the “?” as the first character of a search.

Single Character Wildcard Searches


Multiple Character Wildcard Searches

To find multiple character variations of a word, perform a multiple character wildcard search using the "*" symbol.  For example, John* will find variations of words that start with “JOHN” such

as “JOHNNY” and “JOHNSON”.

Note: You cannot use the “*” as the first character of a search.

Multiple Character Wildcard Searches



Proximity Searches

Proximity Searches can look for search criteria that are within a certain number of words from each other in the search results.  Use the tilde “~” for proximity searches.  For example, a search

for “Endeavor Resource”~4 will look for the words “Endeavor” and “Resource” within 4 words of each other.

Proximity Search

Boolean Operator Searches

Boolean operators such as AND, OR, NOT, allow search criteria to be combined or excluded based on the operator used.

Note: The Boolean operators: AND, OR, and NOT must be in all caps.

The OR Operator

The OR Boolean operator will search for and find a match for any of the terms in the search criteria.  For example, “John OR Jones” will find results for either the word “John” or the word

“Jones”. The example below shows document results of grantee names that are John or Jones found in the Abstract of Judgment Document Group with a recorded date range of 1/1/1956-


OR Operator


The AND Operator

The AND Boolean operator will search for and find a match for all of the terms in the search criteria.  For example, “John AND Jones” will find results for both the word “John” and the word

“Jones”. The example below shows documents results of grantee names that are John and Jones found in Real Property.



The NOT Operator

The NOT Boolean operator will exclude results containing the search term after the NOT value.  For example, “Forester Herschel V" NOT "State” will display results for “Forester Herschel V” but

will exclude the results where “State” is present.

NOT Operator

Search Image Text

The Search Image Text option, searches text within documents.  Selecting the Search Image Text option disables the “Search” and “Party Type” check boxes.  Enter text into the search field

and the results will be the text within the searched documents.

Note: Not all documents are not currently available for the Search Image Text option.

Search Image Text OCR